With recommendations from friends, best seller lists and all my library holds coming in at once I've got my work cut out for me this summer. Actually I've already finished
The Secret Life of Bees (a great read),
Mindless Eating (good research-based advice) and
In the Name of Honor (compelling story but must have lost something in the translation from French). Next up Beach Road, Sweetness in the Belly, My Life on a Plate, The Birth House, Princess Masako, and Bridget Jones Diary if I get to the library to pick it up in time. And you thought all I did in the summer was golf!

Aren't libraries just the greatest invention ever? Anyone have other reading suggestions?
The Omnivore's Dilemma
Just requested it at the library - 29th in the queue, although it looks like they have about a dozen copies so I'll hopefully get it before school starts.
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