Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve in Namibia

Back when we were booking our trip to SA/Namibia I didn't think it would make much difference where we were at Christmas - after all it's just another day and you make it what you want. Now that it's upon us, and we're here far away from snow, gaily decorated trees and most of our family, something doesn't feel quite right. Christmas in Namibia is not a particularly spectacular event, like it is in Canada.  It's a holiday and it will be celebrated but much like any other holiday would be.  I think the thing I really miss it that all-encompassing joy that everyone feels at home, whether shopping, cooking large dinners or just chilling out, there's a certain feeling that's missing.

We left Etosha Park today and unfortunately our high expectations of large cats and elephants was not met.  We did see PLENTY of wildlife however and although we didn't realize it, it's the rainy season.  The animals have no need to come to the waterholes at this time of year.

The first night our chalet was right by the water hole and this beautiful black-faced impala wandered by for a drink.  Later on, after dark, 2 black rhinos came in. Fortunately the waterholes are flood-lit.

On our first day we saw our only lions - 2 young males leisurely sprawled beneath a tree.  They had been there for a few days, digesting their latest meal.

At one point we saw hundreds of zebras gathered together.  This one was a bit frisky, I'd say (although it was short-lived in case you were wondering!)

Giraffes were plentiful in the park.  I hadn't realized that they'd have to do the splits to get a drink of water though.

It wasn't unusual to see hundreds of springbok in a field at one time.

We also saw oryx, red hearebeast, steenbok, one very angry and close elephant that just about upended the car in front of us, and many many more animals. Too many photos! The accommodations in the park were first-rate and thanks to Sammy for looking after all the bookings!

The town we're in tonight is called Otjiwarongo, which according to Wikipedia means place where fat cattle graze. We have a dinner booking at a restaurant called C'est si Bon and we're staying at a very nice guest house called Bush Pillow.  Tomorrow it's off to the capital of Windhoek and we'll fly back to Cape Town on the 26th.  A memorable Christmas to say the least and we're very fortunate to be able to share the time with Scott and Sam.

I hope your holiday is just as memorable and Merry Christmas to all of you!

1 comment:

Gogo Susan said...

Such a unique Christmas, Lynn, sharing it with exotic African wildlife in the austere panorama of southern Africa. (Jealous)

On another note, I am at Dennon’s for Christmas. I showed him the photo of Scott and the springbok from your previous blog and without giving him any clues asked “Do you know who that is?” Without missing a beat he said, “Oh, that’s Scott!”
We’ve just watched the Long Walk to Freedom movie … what emotions it brought up in me. I’m sure you’ll experience the same when you see it.

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